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May 17th  to 19th  2012

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For the first time in Brussels 24 artistic laboratories and alternative management offices have joined together to show their practices and research in an Open House event dedicated to both public and professionals.

Focusing rather on artistic research processes than on final products, these structures provide national and international artists with time, space and tools to develop their works. With Open House these multi-disciplinary organisations take the opportunity to strengthen their bonds and show once again that Brussels is more than ever a creative and dynamic artists’ city.

Open House will propose three morning debates: one focusing on Slow Art; one on the position of the artist within the contemporary artistic sector and Brussels in particular; and one as a first-aid session for artists. It will be completed with afternoon guided tours and artistic parcours offering the public a chance to get introduced to the structures’ working process and the artists who bind them together.


Organisation Architecture Workroom Brussels, Atelier de Création sonore et radiophonique (acsr), Atelier Graphoui, Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes (AJC!), Auguste Orts, Bains Connective, Caravan Production, Constant, Danscentrumjette, FoAM, iMAL, Komplot, L’Escaut, Maison d’Art Actuel des Chartreux (MAAC), Margarita Production, MediaRuimte, Mokum, nadine, OKNO, Passa Porta, Pianofabriek kunstenwerkplaats, Q-O2, SoundImageCulture (SIC), workspacebrussels In collaboration with BAM, La Bellone, Brussels Kunstenoverleg vzw, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, SPACE (Supporting Performing Arts Circulation in Europe), VTi With the support of The Flemish and French community Commissions of the Brussels-Capital region