With Inter-view, Benjamin Vandewalle brings the theatre back to its essence, its roots, its etymological meaning: “to watch, to contemplate”. Placed in the public space, three boxes looking like puppet theatres or fairground stands, offer themselves to the passers-by’s curiosity. A simple opening enables to put the head inside each box. What happens next is a big surprise... It will surely be a poetic and sensory encounter.
Choreographer Benjamin Vandewalle is fascinated by observation. His creations are guided by the actions of looking and being looked at. In Inter-View, Benjamin explores the essence of the gaze. There is no script, only the magic of a spontaneous visual encounter. The installation has its roots in Theâtre de la Guillotine, the micro-theatre for one spectator Benjamin created when he graduated P.A.R.T.S in 2006.
Creation Benjamin Vandewalle Assistance Shosha Van Kranendonk and Pierre Daugy Set design Benjamin Vandewalle, Jan Palinckx, Bram Rombouts
Production Le Manège de Reims – Scène Nationale Distribution, tourmanagement Caravan Production (Brussel, BE) Co-production Kaaitheater, Brussel (BE)