In The Upside Down Man (the son of the road) Mohamed Toukabri moves back and forth between the past and the present, two countries, two cultures and two traditions. His personal story is used as a tool to discuss the sense of identity and the play of perception in our current society. Mohamed explores the concept of “in-between space” and confronts his audience with the splendor of this mysterious and philosophical zone, searching for poetic justice by touching the notions of identity, shock, transformation and the eternal power of discovery. In this work dance, video, text and sound are layered in a constant play.
"For me the in-between space is a constructive space. It is a space in which you are not asked to make choices, only because you might seem lost without them. The in-between space is a space of life, of giving and taking, of constant flow. It is the space where my dance was constructed, between east and west".
In The Upside Down Man Mohamed Toukabri counterpoints a disarming, autobiographical text with sophisticated dance language that navigates between his sources of breakdance from Tunis, the in-depth movement research attitude he developed at P.A.R.T.S. and the lyricism from his collaboration with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, all of which he infuses with crystal clear ballet lines.
But Mohamed's focus in The Upside Down Man reaches beyond the zones between cultures and dance disciplines. In fact, he is concerned with the richness of each and every gap: the one between heart and rationality, between video and life performance, between text and movement, representation and being, between this moment and the next. It is the free ranging zone of the unnamed, 'the place of magic’, as he likes to call it.
Concept and performance Mohamed Toukabri Text Mohamed Toukabri (with thanks to Ines Ghannoudi and two quotes from "Les identités meurtrières" by Amin Maalouf) Dramaturgy Diane Fourdrignier Introductory Text to the Performance Lieve Dierckx Composer Kevin Strauwen Video Mohamed Toukabri & Gwen Laroche Light & technical direction Gwen Laroche Artistic Development Eva Blaute
Coproduction HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Residencies Festival Artdanthe? (Paris Vanves), Vooruit (Ghent), KAAP (Ostend / Bruges) and HELLERAU (Dresden). Rehearsal spaces De Kriekelaar and MILL (Brussels)